Wednesday, April 27, 2011

tea...and then procrastination.

"I'd love to get together and go get a tea and have a really good talk, see ya"

what. in . the. world. I attract weirdos, I'll say it again. I attract weirdos. Most bizarre thing I've heard all day. Do people do that? Do ladies just go sip tea and have excellent talks with their exboyfriends?.. Cause that's odd to me. I feel like "Hey bettester how bout we go get a slurpee I miss seein ya.. we can catch up" would have been more fitting.

I'm trying to blog a lot..I wanna get the hang of it. I hope to eventually become unlazy and load pictures and share exciting things!

Today I bundled up in my RED lifeguard hoodie, finals week is the offical hoodie week. ohhh..pff..every week is hoodie week? Yeah Im the hoodie type.

I'm blogging to avoid studyin for a final and cause jenny is on vacation so her texts back are RARE its so gross. So instead of textin my bestfriendinfinity i

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