Thursday, April 28, 2011


Completely random photo that i LOVE, I just like that it was spur of the moment and I never knew it existed at the Oakland (I think) Temple in California.


Maybe my heart told your heart that it had a parking place outside, or that we both like taking walks and doing things at night. Maybe our hearts have the same favorite colors and found eachother that way? Or maybe it's cause they both like sunshine best and alwayys ask summer to stay. Maybe your heart sent my heart a secret message that said "I've been waiting for you, lets go love" or maybe when it comes to stuff like this , there aren't reasons...hearts just know.


"The real lover is the man that can thrill you by kissin your forehead,or smiling into your eyes, or just staring into space"- Marilyn Monroe

I am sucha girl sometimess ewww.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

tea...and then procrastination.

"I'd love to get together and go get a tea and have a really good talk, see ya"

what. in . the. world. I attract weirdos, I'll say it again. I attract weirdos. Most bizarre thing I've heard all day. Do people do that? Do ladies just go sip tea and have excellent talks with their exboyfriends?.. Cause that's odd to me. I feel like "Hey bettester how bout we go get a slurpee I miss seein ya.. we can catch up" would have been more fitting.

I'm trying to blog a lot..I wanna get the hang of it. I hope to eventually become unlazy and load pictures and share exciting things!

Today I bundled up in my RED lifeguard hoodie, finals week is the offical hoodie week. ohhh..pff..every week is hoodie week? Yeah Im the hoodie type.

I'm blogging to avoid studyin for a final and cause jenny is on vacation so her texts back are RARE its so gross. So instead of textin my bestfriendinfinity i

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Eighty billion hundred..

Yeah, I've got ^^ that many things racing through my mind...riiiiiiighhtt...


First I've almost completed my first year of college. Mostly what I did the whole year was just breathe in & then out repeating " you can do this" I was the little engine that could. ALL YEAR, talk about exhausting... ADVICE: take college seriously throw all you've got into it. Dont forget to remember that your parents hafta love you no matter what.

I just got back from St. George it now feels like a dream..someone made my bed and tidied up my room and I didn't have to think about a messy kitchen at all. I wanna go back. EasterPAULINGtrip '11 was a success I got some sun went on a hike and hadda "good humor" bar. My family was amazing. We missed everyone that couldn't make it (Dylan, Momma, Daddio, Bug and Boy) The Easter egg hunt was flawless and the twinners taught us this superfun ballroom dance move that we all did nonstop ( involves tons of twirls and spins)

I just took a final at school. Now I get to study for my next one. They feel never-ending. In no time I will be lounging by the pool so I need to SUCK IT UP.

Yesterday was Anna's birthday 24, so fun.[LOVE THAT GIRL] She got supercute army swag from the parents and they even mailed TS an army shirt. We went to Tucanos, absolutely delicious. One of the waiters took a special interest in me so TS hadda swoop in and bail me outta an awkward situation. But really, without anna I don't think life would even be possible. She's the most sweetheart, a special girl.

Gotta funny call from jenny she hadda code blue She's in VA living it up and i am...(siiighhh...) ..happy for her. HA no I know she's having fun so I .guuuuess... I can live with the reduction of calls and texts from her.

Yesterday TS and i went on a secret errand it was great humor and it was fully documented but its a secret for alittle while longer. Always an adventure with that boy. He made fun of my shitkickers and acourse left all his crud behind at my apartment (leave-behind) it was nice to see him.

Next, Ill post pics from the last little while. i superpromise.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby Ill be your Huckleberry

...Baby you don't hafta double-dare me. When the world gets wild and scary count on me to be right're so extraordinary sweet like maraschino cherries..We'll grow up and we'll get married. Babyy I'll be your huckleberry. MMMmm. (funny thing is.."you dont hafta double dare me"..for me you DO hafta double dare me. Thats the trick. Im not easily persuaded into doin things and im hardheaded and a fulltime stubbornass BUTTT when it comes to my momma & family & JENNYBOO..if they dare me..IM IN IT BABBY. Its game time, if they dare me i gotttaaaa do it.. luckily they dont take advantage of the situation. They only use their dare power for good, they dare me when they know its something good somethin thatll make me happy or laugh. Likeee when jennyboo DOUBLE TRIPLE MILLION dared me to kisss the boy ive hadda crush on for years. she dared..and i did. Im forever in debt to her for daring me to do it. Or when emmamae dared me to skiinnnydip at lakepowell, she dared and i did.Now ive gotta a killer story outta it.)

gosh, toby keith makes me heart hop and skip a teeny bit. His patriotism makes me wannaaa dance. Aside from his patriotic songs, i diiiiggg ^ huckleberry. "untilll i get my weddin ring boy we cant go that farrr" its full of cute. But my topmost favorite from him is "How dooo ya like me now" its the one where he gets major dissed by a girl in highschool so he writes her number on the fifty yard line on the football field. When ts invited me to BYU football games I joked that he'd hafta try and stop me from writing his "number on the 50 yd line and call for a good time" he finally accepted it as good humor. When i was tellin my daddio that story he just started chuckling.. and goes ..."now thats funny" (hes a toby fan, he loves to sing em to us) so i go "dadddd are you.......dadd youre chuckling, youre a chucklehead !" he snaps back, " uh barbie, the only chucklehead thing about i gotta chucklehead daughter" thats how it went. Chucklehead was born into our family vocab. He says he came up with it, but ^ thats exactly how i recall the conversation so I argue it was me. Either ways its awesome. Us paulings...we are awesome. anyyyhow. Today makes me crave sun, its like a tease outside. My usual mornin' phonecall with jennybooboo followed with a text pic of the pool and sunshine explosion, shes bratty. But i love her cause when we get off the phone we promise to tell eachother every funny thing that happens. I just want her to come over we can go for a run and she can help me pick out cute outfits, devour blue slurpees daily with me, and then we can eat oreos. Miss her. I want my momma to CALL ME. I need her voice, not just her daily texts. I want her to hear me whine and I wanna hear her laugh. I want her to explain how to make cauliflower mashed potatoes and hear her opinion on salt and pepper rolls. Basically I wanna just chat with her.Echh I sound so needy ha. Annnnd my daddio. Cannot wait for summer with them. Ts, last night proved once again that he's unfailingly kind. He sat through me squirming and WHINING and all my brattiness to help with my homework. He went above and beyond and pushed me to realize that "you just gotta plow". I can't call him unsweet for a whole week thats his reward. :) THANKYA TURD. making the right choices works..

Monday, April 11, 2011

We drinkkkk..

Outtaa Mason jars.

My family always has. In fact I've learned that I prefer it no matter how redneck it makes me feel. Brings me back to Hope Mills and my southern drawl that comes out every now and then. :)

spring means we getta trade the dr.pepper that normally fills those glasses with some lemonade.
In california I walked by a cute little restruant that features a menu for "MASON JAR DRINKS" they were all made from alcohol otherwise I woulda insisted we go have a glass. But I snapped a pic for Anna and sent it to her right away. It reminded me of home.


Thank goodness the snow passed. Its April and my town got covered with a few inches. Over the weekend I tried to venture out to a BYU baseball game with TS and Dave but it got postponed/canceled cause of the teeny blizzard.

Finally those toasty rays are back. Im getting stir crazy, I just wanna be tanned and sun-kissed. So hopefully the sun sticks. Im dreaming of st. george every night.

I got some cutesy present and project ideas stuck in my mind. Some important birthdays are coming up and I'm excited to surprise some special people!

Woke up to yummm breakfast with emm and anna and a giggly phonecall with jenny. We laughed at dragons and talked about boys and six packs and planned a quickie trip to Greece for summertime.
I saw tangled last night, the new disney movie. Mixed feelings about it I love love loved til the ending. The ending was alittle weird.

"Dragons": people i cannot stand. Yaknoww the people that are convinced that I give a rats ass what they're up to. The weirdos that are relentless to get me riled up. The girls who watch my every move and swaggerjack from sun-up to sun-down. The mothers who desperately try and make me look bad, or feel bad. "I'm way too hot for that" is all I got for them. I call em dragons. It means they're slimey, just slimey. Good quote for the psychopaths that I seem to attract ... "Id never try and give my life demeaning you." sooooooo....go somewhere. I never go out of my way to be mean to someone.

Time for errands errands and errands.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Best Smile

I am miiiiighty happy, smiley, lovey, all of it. In truth, Im usually always happy smiley and mostly lovey but now and lately Im extra. Conference weekend was a total success, snackies and the boy over to listen to upliftin spirtual talks and watchin :( POUTTT the rays lose :( it was ew but still a goodtime. Utah's beginning to look BOOTIFUL. Im eager for bikini weather and for my apartment pool to open up. Hot tubbin at night is sounding so great cause the weather is cozy.<3<3<3<3<3 BON FIRES <3<3<3<3<3 I gotta TON of studyin to do though. The annual pauling trip to st. george is comin up and I cannot wait. I live for these traditions and look forward to them! Acourse, Ill be missin the resta the pauling family in italia. ill make sure and save em a chair at the pool ;) I need to get better at blogs, I dunno HOW to do the fancy shmancy pics but I will figure it all out. In the meantime Im being scholarly and baskinng in all the wonderfulness of BASEBALL season and Im spending my time with good good friends:) making memories. Also Im doing a teeny little fun mock runway project for Taylor Andrews Hair School, its good to getta see Brooke( my mommas besties daughter) and its something ive never really done so why not. It's lookin like it'll be a cool experience. i love it. -B