Monday, May 13, 2013


The epitome of happy is AC. Its the underlined part of the sentence, the tip of the top the very first dr.pepper sip and the end of folding a load of laundry. Its just good. St. George is hot.. the hottest? Well na. And for damn sure its way better than that crisp hurt your soul miserable cold that northern Utah had recently. It is hot it made me major grateful though because I have a love for all things AC. I love when my apartment gets to the point where ac is vital because I love turning on ac when its so way hot outside. I feel ridiculous putting on a hoodie when its 102° outside and barely 70° inside my townhouse so instead of throwin on a hoodie...I will make a pillow pile to cuddle under.right now that is what I'm working with some ice ice ac blasting while I am cuddling my dog shmoopy and watching Bones. Bones marathons really do wonders for my soul, I can't explain my fascination with this show. But my day isn't really complete without an episode, kinda like the great Seinfeld. I just relate.

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