Thursday, April 12, 2012


did ya know my pinterest has no order to it? Ya know those categories? well I said screw em. my life has been way full lately. Like i love bursting out laughin in the middle of class cause i remembered chemistry class with jenn, and how I sat there twirlin my hair up in my pencil big-time. Then when mrs chemistry asked what the hell i was doin, i told her i was trying to curl my hair. Then she announced that I was bitchin arounnd. Ew, she was so mean. But wow that will always be funny when I think bout it. Esp. the girls that drew the picture of me and Mrs chemistry hung it up on the wall and i find out weeks later that it was of me? Funny how I cant twirl my hair but students can sit in class and draw pictures of other students.. funny. but i really did go nuts crazy laughin about this today, even in the parkin lot i was laughin. i love lovelove love when i remember hilarious stuff like this. I love remembering anything, im kinda obsessed with remembering. lately: I dealt with an ocean(110), i blurted out wayyy too much bout a wifebeater, i broke my phone, "im in love with you" haha, ive been obsessin over greendrink( i cannot get enough green smoothies, so yummgoooood) , i listened to the whole tswift album in the car SO loud cause it was raininn, i watched thelast song and bawled instead of studyin for my physics test, softballgame, i messed up on a physics question in class and so i blurted out pretty quietly 'oh oh shooooooooooooooooot, im gonna get that thing wrong on that test' (cause i was in concentrated mode and i was so zoned in) the kids in front of me and beside me and all around turned around so quick and repeated like forty times what i said.. "bette that was THE most redneck thing ever, the way you pronounced all those words is gonna killllll me.... seriously gonna say guuuuuuuuuuuuuuunna" (i didnt get it wrong on the test..) , mighty smiley

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