Thursday, April 12, 2012


did ya know my pinterest has no order to it? Ya know those categories? well I said screw em. my life has been way full lately. Like i love bursting out laughin in the middle of class cause i remembered chemistry class with jenn, and how I sat there twirlin my hair up in my pencil big-time. Then when mrs chemistry asked what the hell i was doin, i told her i was trying to curl my hair. Then she announced that I was bitchin arounnd. Ew, she was so mean. But wow that will always be funny when I think bout it. Esp. the girls that drew the picture of me and Mrs chemistry hung it up on the wall and i find out weeks later that it was of me? Funny how I cant twirl my hair but students can sit in class and draw pictures of other students.. funny. but i really did go nuts crazy laughin about this today, even in the parkin lot i was laughin. i love lovelove love when i remember hilarious stuff like this. I love remembering anything, im kinda obsessed with remembering. lately: I dealt with an ocean(110), i blurted out wayyy too much bout a wifebeater, i broke my phone, "im in love with you" haha, ive been obsessin over greendrink( i cannot get enough green smoothies, so yummgoooood) , i listened to the whole tswift album in the car SO loud cause it was raininn, i watched thelast song and bawled instead of studyin for my physics test, softballgame, i messed up on a physics question in class and so i blurted out pretty quietly 'oh oh shooooooooooooooooot, im gonna get that thing wrong on that test' (cause i was in concentrated mode and i was so zoned in) the kids in front of me and beside me and all around turned around so quick and repeated like forty times what i said.. "bette that was THE most redneck thing ever, the way you pronounced all those words is gonna killllll me.... seriously gonna say guuuuuuuuuuuuuuunna" (i didnt get it wrong on the test..) , mighty smiley

Monday, April 2, 2012

She's the girl from your favorite song

ive never been the whole, "Oh my 'kiniii season, I needa get in shape", "It's time for a diet" and Ive never thought 'Oh i wish I could eat anythin I want ever' So right now I'm laughin' because at the end-ish part of this week I will be in a 'kini in st george for easter. And I dont even care. Im not the care type. I will be whiter than crap and I will have no six pack definition. It's whatever. Im ready to kick off sun season so ready. I love the annual trip. I love the family baseball games, the small hike we usually do, the art festival, and the kabillion seconds we spend at the pool. To prepare for the trip (cause I guess I sorta prepare) I picked up a few items. Im notta forever 21-er. I can count on my fingers how many things i own from that store. I remember when i first moved to Utah I went to forever21 and bought baseballl tee's. Whenever I need baseball tees I hit sports authority and dicks. When I first moved to florida one of my first purchases was baseball tees. I guess thats how I work, when i move I get new baseball tees. And im notta snob, i love my baseball tees from 21. In fact when ts and I went to lake powell the missionaries stopped by my gparents house and I hadda tank on so i rushed and threw on a baseball tee then Short called out "ahaha, oh what you got a game today.." and I was like half furious ahaaa but mostly laughin cause he was witty and I threw back " UH YEA AND YOU CANT COME" So when I think of forever21 i think of that shirt. I have no reason no opinion I just shop there almost never, well when I had some extra time the other day I went in there, and got some great things for spring. So im excited for the trip. Im even more excited for baseball. but thats always pretty much. but really really Im so excited school ends this month. PLOWPLOWPLOW. and im excited for somethin else, but its a secret. This weekend was conference, did anybody else melt when Jeffery R. Holland spoke.. Beauty. I got to talk to j, skype with taaayd and spend so much time with anna\emm\casey. Now im gonna go accomplish some hw. school youre almost outttttttta here. sun, youre stickinnn. :)

Friday, March 23, 2012


-So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard -Every lesson forms a new scar -They never thought you'd make it this far -But turn around, oh they've surrounded you -It's a showdown, and nobody comes to save you now -But you've got something they don't -Yeah you've got something they don't Taylor Swift Eyes Open (Hunger Games soundtrack) SO when I first first heard this, I wasnt sold. Now, I am. The more I hear it the more I hear it tellin the story. The story IS good. Im not gonna see the movie quite yet, really i want emm to read the books first then we go see it {she probably maybe wont read em though}. Maybe Ill see it when I go to My cell phone is on silent. Like always, I am the worst cell phone owner. If i hadda iphone it wouldnt be on silent...cause they have a whistle ringtone option and hello damnyeaa if my phone could whistle i would alwaaaaaaaaaaays wanna hear it. But i dont want an iphone. I want my busted up old old cellphone the cellphone that anna went out and bought for my parents for me while i was out with taylor and his family December 2009. {she was being so sneaky) Yesssssss, two thousand and nine. I like my phone. I got a new necklace that I probably wont be able to take off ever and never and ever. I love it so bad. Its in fierce competition with my monumental "legend" necklace as topmost favorite. {actually i dont have favorites cause ts says that everythin is my favorite so favorite shouldnt be in my vocabulary) {he's right, mayyyyyyybe i DO love it all..} This time last year I was runnin' around with taylor doin' who knows what. Maybe we were planning secret trips to bed baath and beyond or goin to snowstorm baseball games(incowboots)maybe i was beggin' him to let me wear his pfs and maybe i was constannnnnnntly askin' for double bubble.. I dunno exactly, but we were smilin' ALOT. All the minutes are flyin because i cannot believe it has been a year since all that. My momma is makin me die laughin over some texts messages over a LONG awaited subject JB. Not to mention the running club humor, my poor dad. Annnd plus get this, boy did the dishes... can you believe. IM glad Ive got what I got. )

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

she shot outta texas, like a bullet from a gun

Im already lovin' March {even if its bringin' snow} I love march no matter what. I have a cousin jettin' off on his mission this month and it makes me happiest and also alittle sad I hafta prepare myself for some more missssssin' No problem, I can miss, mannn I miss so good. It's just goin to be different. I cannot wait to get to know Dyl better through letters and get updated on all his adventures. First things first, Lets see if I can survive his farewell talk..
< My dad's birthday is comin up. I love that man. Most remarkable man ever. I cant say enough bout my family. Thanks dad for every " i love you today" and every plate of fruit you've brought to my pillow thanks for cutting apples so unique, danccinn like a fool evvvvvvery mornin and screaaamin loudest at the tv when nascar is on, thankya for runnin' to rescue evvvery single principal office visit.. and teachin me back in HS "awww betteee you never ever gotta stresss cause 'i dont hafta be hateful i can just say blesssss youuuur heart' thank sweet goodness you're a soldier thanks for callin me a princess when i need it and a jackhole when i need to be called a jackhole THANKS for always askin me where in the hell i came from, and for tellin' me when i have bad humor by sayinnn' "bette thats the most jackass thing youve said ALLLLLLLLLLDAY" thankyou for being in love with the most breathtakin' painting and sharing that love with your kids and thanks for makin me the proudest daughter. March 13 is my favorite.

Friday, February 24, 2012


So loverbaby is what Jennifer and I came up with in 10th grade. I'm a february kid, and shes a october kid.  So i called her a spookybaby and she called me a loverbaby. 

its my birthday. its already been wildinsane and great. best yet, i heard from the boy. tune in to the video and youll see that hes been makin my birthday special ever since the 15th one.. hey twenty.

My birthday is in February. and me emm and j have decided that we super celebrate my birthday. Like theirs we treat like regular birthdays but mine we megaasupreme celebrate. I dunno how I got to be the lucky one, but it just fits. like when j explained to babe that mine is the one we love, he wanted to know why. "So you guys just only really celebrate bettes birthday? why just bettes? why not yours?"

WELL. we dont have an answer. it just works that way.

ha last yr I got kidnapped to california. I had no idea. emm and jenn assured me that after my 19th birthday everythin' was gonna change for me. everythin' would be better than ever and ever. it was great I have these incredible videos and so many great memories and it just came at the right time. That day i wasnt allowed to have my phone cause emm didnt want the surprise spoiled. I managed to hear from the people that i really wanted to hear from before my phone became a hostage. the trip was a success, like so perfect. Then everythin got better. I got a letter at 5 am, and instead of goin to sleep since i was in a car for 40 billion hrs i read it over and over. nothin' is better than a birthday letter. :);)

Monday, February 20, 2012

when you're sickyy

first. you go put on your yankees hat & your favorite hoodie or one of them cause if you're Bette Pauling you have ninety favorite hoodies. {in this case put on your durant hoodie from 9th grade} second. drink so much tea, like just keep it cominn, you may trick your throat into thinkin its not dyinnnnn. third. go for the emergency, it may be ew to swallow since your throat kills and aches but oh well. fourth. do not wear makeup {if you're me you're probably already not} but your eyes probably will water lots and aton so just don't do makeup. fifth. do nothin {not me... I'm ironinnn.. and folding and that type} but really just find a super season to watch probably fnl gg oth or vampire diaries one of those are so good when you're sick. - smile a lot cause all your friends are gonna text you. they really are, they are gonnnnnnna wanna try and cheer you up. my eyes watered cause of how sweet. uhhhhh yaaa just hope you get better before your VERY BIG SPECIIIIAL BIRTHDAY. :/ muuuuuuuuuuuah. {yuup i just spreaded my siccky germs} b

Sunday, February 19, 2012

absolutely unpredictable, yes she is.

one of my most top full favorite.

tell me what i hafta do tonight cause id do anything to make it right

lets be us again

sorry for the way that i lost my head

i dunno why i said the things i said

lets be us again

here i stand with everything to lose

all i know is i don't evvvver wanna see the end

baby please

im reaching out for you

won't yaaaaa open up your heart and lemmme come back in ?

look at me I'm way past pride, isn't there some way that we can try be us again

even if it takes awhile ill wait right here until i see that smile

that says we're us again

babybabby what would i do, can't imagine life without you.

the good old stuff country. me and j just are listening to country and beinnnnn domestic (tryyyin) writinnn' letters and sinnnginnn our lungs out. love this whole life. Now another favvv... "she introduced herself as amy, said calllllll me caroline for short ;) i just moved in three doors down so i wouldn't be the girl next door and i knew the shoes she wasssssnt wearin' fit her juuust righhhhhht she said hey man did yaaa..."

"absoluteeeely unpredictable yesss she is she's so different and thats what wonderfullllllllll to me, oh yeah she's unusually unusual and thats beautiful to me"

Friday, February 17, 2012

Photo Heavy

My blog for alittle teeeny bit is gonna be photos. I want 'em on here. If you hate. Dont go look, for now its gonna be old photos.
"Why do yalll always pick me out the ugliest stuff"