Thursday, May 19, 2011

Achy Achy Achy

rib. Yeah, rib. Just one. I think I pulled a muscle coughing. How weaky girly of a injury is that? Ew. But ouch. Despite my hurty rib I climbed a wall and went for an afternoon bike ride with my daddio. Fun but Im paying for it now.. since I cant sleep. Im sicky and its rotten but I took my day of rest to recover and Im ready to tackle Italy ssmooree.

OH yeah on my lovely run the other day I met so many animals.. ducks fish turtles. I ran around a lake four times it all ended up being four miles. Felt incrediable. I also picked some blackberries (okay i dunno foreal if they were blackberries but they looked it) i brought them to my dad so he could identify if they were edible but he had no clue.

Weathers so nice..people are so friendly. Been emailin my little heart out to ts and misssin anna and backup bad. Jenny finished finals so she is headed my wayyy! Better travel safe mermaid.

Found three of the most bootiful rocks today. Dont laugh, they were polished rocks so they were smooth and boootiful. (bootiful is what i used to say when i was little I get teased by my Gma Ruby for it each and everytime i see her sheeee loooves :) and my parents like to poke fun at how i used to only wanna wear BOOTIFUL dresses. I love this little quirk bout me)I had to climb onto the roof to retrieve the rocks and my momma told me not to.. i walked in the house and said.. " hey mommmm im bout to explore maybe do somethin alittle dangerous so if i start screamin its probably serious so come out here" she goes BETTE..noo! dont go off that ledge.. dont get onto the rooff.. but i said "mmmmmommm I gotta theres a bootiful rock i gotta get it"! so i got em brought em in safely and the fam was impressed. I gave em to boy.


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